51st Board Meeting of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact

Board members

Alison Evans

Tina Fahm

Richard Gledhill



Ekpe Attah

Andrew Forbes

Chloe Lawson-Duffy

Rebecca Lefort

Miriam McCarthy

Michael O’Donnell

Goknur Ozer


DFID (for item 3 only): 

Anna Densham

Lorraine Patrick

ICAI formal update

Minutes and actions of the 4 June board meeting

The minutes of the 4 June 2018 ICAI board meeting were agreed as an accurate record. The action points from the previous meetings action logs were reviewed.  Actions 5 and 6 from the 6 March board meeting were noted as complete.

Action: Secretariat to include a summary of impact log in business update as a standard item.

Action: Secretariat to work with DFID Finance Team on the administration of aligning ICAI years with financial year.

Action: Secretariat to update action log and remove items from previous meetings marked as complete. 


Business update

The Secretariat updated Commissioners on spend to end of July 2018 of this financial year and the current forecast for total spend over the four years of ICAI Phase 2.

Commissioners noted the financial spend to date and forecasts for the remainder of the year. The Secretariat confirmed that 2019 Annual Report spend would be billed post June 2019.

Transition to Phase III

The Secretariat updated Commissioners on progress made on the different strands  of the transition project, including with the recruitment of the new Chief Commissioner and the bid for a new supplier, and advised that any risks identified are reported to the joint ICAI-DFID Transition Board.


Corporate risk register

Commissioners reviewed the corporate risk register, noting particularly the risks which had been reduced. They also noted the data error in the VFM review from a miscalculation by the Service Provider and that the lead Commissioner had subsequently written to the International Development Committee to correct this. The Secretariat confirmed the discussions which have already taken place with the Service Provider, the learning taken from this event and the steps now in place to ensure it does not reoccur.

Action: Secretariat to ensure that the corporate risk register reflects risks being managed at Transition Board level as appropriate  


Corporate KPIs

As set out in its recent Annual Report, in 2017-18 ICAI had performed well against its KPIs, meeting the targets set, and there had continued to be a steady increase in review views on the ICAI website over the summer.

Action: Secretariat to continue to monitor and report IDC Parliament TV viewing figures so a data series can be built on review hearings and the viewings they receive. 

DFID review feedback

DFID link team shared some observations on how ICAI reviews were received in DFID and which part of the ICAI review process they found most useful and challenging. Commissioners noted the comments and discussed how to get early departmental engagement with recommendations, the role of DFID’s management response and the merits of both detailed and strategic recommendations.

The Secretariat will continue to have discussions with DFID link team about how to best support departments in understanding and implementing ICAI recommendations.


Workplan for 2019/20

The Secretariat advised Commissioners on the current position of reviews taking place. Commissioners agreed that, overall, good progress was being made but noted the increase in time spent on each review.

The Secretariat presented Commissioners with options for review themes for 2019/20 and requested input based on Commissioners’ experience. Commissioners discussed the options, their evaluability and risks. An options list would be shared with the incoming Chief Commissioner and IDC.

Action: Secretariat to arrange a meeting and compile shortlist of recommended reviews for discussion with incoming Chief Commissioner based on input received. 

Action: Secretariat to review involvement in onboarding and induction process of team leaders who are crucial and critical to the review process.



The Secretariat gave an update on progress made since the Safeguarding Workshop. Commissioners reviewed the draft statement on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, noted their views had been reflected in the latest draft. They suggested further clarification on the policy on reporting to local authorities when abroad and the relationship between the statement and ICAI’s approach to covering safeguarding issues in its reviews.

Action: Secretariat to update draft in the light of clarifications requested by Commissioners and then publish on ICAI website.


The date of next Board meeting was confirmed for 4 December.

The Commissioners noted the update on actions to ensure compliance with GDPR.

Action: Secretariat to ensure GDPR update is a standing item at future Board meetings.

Commissioners discussed an upcoming meeting of senior officials from ODA-spending departments to which the Chief Commissioner had been invited.

Action: Any issues that should be raised at the meeting to be relayed to the Chief Commissioner and Head of Secretariat. 

Action Log from 51st Board Meeting (10 Sept 2018)

No.Action byActionStatus
1Secretariat Secretariat to include a summary of impact log in business update as a standard item.
2Secretariat Secretariat to work with DFID Finance Team on the administration of aligning ICAI years with financial year.
3Secretariat Secretariat to update action log and remove items from previous meetings marked as complete.
4Secretariat Secretariat to ensure that the Corporate Risk Register reflects risks being managed at Transition Board level as appropriate
5Secretariat Secretariat to continue to monitor and report IDC Parliament TV viewing figures so a data series can be built on review hearings and the viewings they receive.
6Secretariat Secretariat to arrange a meeting and compile shortlist of recommended reviews for discussion with incoming Chief Commissioner based on input received.
7Secretariat Secretariat to review involvement in onboarding and induction process of team leaders who are crucial and critical to the review process.
8Secretariat Secretariat to update draft in the light of clarifications requested by Commissioners and then publish on ICAI website.
9Secretariat Secretariat to ensure GDPR update is a standing item at future Board meetings.
10AllSenior Officials Meeting: Any issues that should be raised at the meeting to be relayed to the Chief Commissioner and Head of Secretariat.

Action Log from 50th Board Meeting (04 June 2018)

No.Action byActionStatus
1SecretariatSecretariat to consider how draft recommendations could be shared with departments earlier in the process, including checking whether any potential recommendations were already being address by government.In progress
2SecretariatSecretariat to investigate aligning ICAI years with financial year.In progress
3SecretariatSecretariat to revise counry visit guidance to incorporate instructions for managing safeguarding issues during field trips.In progress

Action Log from 49th Board Meeting (06 March 2018)

No.Action byActionStatus
1SecretariatSecretariat to organise meeting with the DFID senior officials groupIn progress

Action Log from 45th Board Meeting (07 March 2017)

No.Action byActionStatus
1SecretariatThe secretariat to gather views on ICAI's review typology from key stakeholdersFeedback on typology to be gathered from stakeholders in Autumn 2018 to inform Phase III planning.