Gifts and hospitality policy


It is recognised that it is important for commissioners, ICAI secretariat staff and the contractor consortium to maintain and build effective networks in order to support the work of ICAI, and to gain a real understanding of the views of stakeholders. However, contact with the organisations outside government or overseas governments can give rise to offers of gifts or hospitality.


You should not normally accept gifts or hospitality, but it is recognised that in some cases non-acceptance may cause embarrassment to the provider. All offers of gifts or hospitality which might be perceived to compromise your personal judgment or integrity should be declined.


Gifts should not normally be accepted. The only exceptions are those which would normally be considered as isolated, trivial gifts eg low value items that can be used or displayed in the workplace such as office stationary or mouse mats, or inexpensive seasonal gifts such as diaries or calendars.

Gifts which cannot be refused without causing offence, for example a picture or an ornament, can be accepted, making it clear that it is “on behalf of ICAI” and not being accepted as a personal gift. Such gifts must be kept within the ICAI office.


Any hospitality accepted should be in the interests of ICAI and help further its objectives. It should not be over-frequent or over-generous. Accepting hospitality several times from the same organisation could lead to a perception that the work of ICAI is being influenced by the objectives of a single organisation. Any hospitality accepted should not seem lavish or disproportionate to the nature of the relationship you have with the provider.


A declaration to the head of secretariat must be made if an offer of a gift or hospitality is made which could be perceived as influencing our decisions or impartiality.

The onus is on the commissioner, member of the contract consortium or member of ICAI staff to make the declaration to the head of secretariat. A gifts or hospitality register will also be maintained and updated on a six-monthly basis.