New report – managing fiduciary risk in conflict-affected environments

9 Aug 2016

ICAI’s latest review finds that DFID staff in conflict-affected countries are doing a good job of assessing and mitigating fiduciary risks, but the department must urgently tackle weaknesses in its approach to risk appetite and risk transfer in those environments.


DFID has committed to spending at least half of its budget in fragile states and regions. These include extremely challenging operating environments, such as Syria, Somalia and Yemen, where DFID’s access is constrained and the risk of fraud or misuse of funds may be heightened. ICAI examined how well DFID manages fiduciary risk in these challenging environments.


The review – DFID’s approach to managing fiduciary risk in conflict-affected environments – gave DFID a ‘Green-Amber’ rating, concluding that the department’s fiduciary risk management in conflict-affected states was satisfactory in most areas, but required urgent attention in others.

Read the full report –  DFID’s approach to managing fiduciary risk in conflict-affected environments

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