Press releases

Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes report on DFID’s Contribution to the Reduction of Child Mortality in Kenya

14 Mar 2014

This study looked at DFID’s work to reduce Child Mortality in Kenya. Reducing under-five child mortality is a global priority and has seen remarkable progress. Under-five mortality has fallen by 24% in Kenya since 1990 but this is less than global and regional averages and the level in Kenya remains high.

Read more on Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes report on DFID’s Contribution to the Reduction of Child Mortality in Kenya

DFID’s Trade Development Work in Southern Africa

6 Dec 2013

We gave this report a Red because we had very serious concerns regarding the financial management and governance of TradeMark Southern Africa. We first made DFID aware of our concerns in May. DFID has now terminated the programme which is, in our judgement, a good decision. We welcome the Secretary of State’s announcement that programme controls will be strengthened and that improvements will be made to DFID’s Internal Audit.

Read more on DFID’s Trade Development Work in Southern Africa

Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes report on DFID’s Support to Agricultural Research

25 Oct 2013

DFID has committed £350 million to agricultural research in the period 2010-15 to improve food security and tackle hunger in developing countries. Activities range from advanced science research in UK universities to projects developing and testing innovative ways to get research products (such as new seeds or animal vaccines) into use by farmers. The overall rating for the programmes we examined is Green-Amber.

Read more on Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes report on DFID’s Support to Agricultural Research

Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes report on DFID’s Empowerment and Accountability Programming in Ghana and Malawi

11 Oct 2013

“We endorse DFID’s new focus on empowering people. We found that the most successful initiatives involved helping communities to build on existing capacities to find solutions which benefited both the community and the government service provider. Clearer and more realistic goals, with stronger criteria for delivery decisions, would help to maximise results.” – Diana Good, Lead Commissioner.

Read more on Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes report on DFID’s Empowerment and Accountability Programming in Ghana and Malawi

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