Future work plan

Our future work plan provides a summary of forthcoming ICAI reviews and expected publication dates. All ICAI reviews are approved by the International Development Committee. 
ReviewExpected publication
UK aid to SudanMore information to follow
The effectiveness of the UK’s support for the transition to clean energy in low- and middle-income countriesMore information to follow
This page will be updated as the work plan for ICAI’s Fourth Commission is agreed.

Selection criteria

We use four selection criteria when planning our work plan:

  • Relevance – the relevance of the topic to new and emerging challenges for the aid programme and its level of interest to stakeholders and the public.
  • Materiality – the importance of the topic in terms of scale of expenditure.
  • Risk – the level of risk involved to achieve the objectives of UK aid or to the appropriate use of UK funds.
  • Value-added – appropriate coverage of the UK aid programme, across sectors, issues, types of programme and spending department, taking into account reviews done by others.

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to make the world a fairer, healthier, safer and more prosperous place for all by 2030, provide us with a framework for selecting our work:

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