UK aid spent by departments other than DFID

Around 13% of UK official development assistance (ODA) is spent by departments other than the Department for International Development (DFID). Our preliminary investigation maps spending and examines activities.

  1. Status: Completed
  2. Published: 20 February 2015
  3. Type: Other
  4. Subject: Cross-government aid spend, UK aid funds
  5. Assessment: Unrated
  6. Lead commissioner: Graham Ward CBE

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Our approach

This review looks as UK aid spent by government departments other than the Department for International Development (DFID). We have recently reviewed official development assistance (ODA) spent by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the International Climate Fund (which comes from the budgets of the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)), as well as DFID. This investigation covers the remaining departmental ODA expenditure, apart from that spent by the devolved Scottish and Welsh administrations, which is not overseen by the UK Parliament.

Our investigation explores the extent and purpose of non-DFID ODA, whether it is appropriately managed and coordinated and whether ODA reporting is accurate. It will not include field visits or an assessment of the effectiveness or value for money of non-DFID ODA. It will, however, help us to identify ODA-funded activities that might merit a full ICAI review in the future. For this reason, we are calling this a ‘preliminary investigation’.


Review publication

Published 20 February 2015

Government response

Published 13 March 2015

ICAI follow-up

Published 30 June 2016