Achieving value for money through procurement – Part 1: DFID’s approach to its supplier market
The Department for International Development (DFID) has developed a credible approach to enabling fair and open competition in its supplier market and to achieving value for money in its procurement.

DFID’s spending through suppliers has doubled over the past five years reaching £1.4 billion in 2016-17, or 14% of its budget, making it an increasingly crucial component of securing value for money.
This is the first of two ICAI reviews examining DFID’s procurement practices. It looks at DFID’s engagement with actual and potential suppliers in order to shape its supply chains and achieve better value for money through its procurement.
We awarded DFID a green-amber score for its approach to shaping its supplier market, in recognition of its increased ambition and the positive direction of travel, but also highlighting important areas in need of improvement.
The second review, looking at DFID’s approach to value for money through tendering and contract management, was published in September 2018.