The scale-up of DFID’s support to fragile states
The government has committed to spend 30% of UK aid in fragile states by 2014-15. This report examines the scale-up process.

One-third of people living in poverty currently live in fragile states. By 2018 that share is likely to be a half and by 2030 nearly two-thirds. Of the seven countries unlikely to meet any Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the 2015 deadline, six are fragile states; the eight most aid dependent countries in the world are fragile states.
The UK government has committed to spending 30% of Official Development Assistance (ODA) in fragile states by 2014-15: an increase from £1.8 billion of bilateral ODA alone (2011-12) to £3.4 billion (2014-15).
This review assesses how well the Department for International Development (DFID) – which contributes the majority of this funding – has implemented this commitment and whether the resulting increased expenditure in fragile states is achieving impact for intended beneficiaries.
Overall, we awarded an amber-red score and made five recommendations.