DIFD’s education programmes in Nigeria
DFID’s education programme in Nigeria operates in a very challenging environment, DFID has spent £102 million to date, with a further £126 million committed to 2019.

We published this review on the Department of International Development’s (DIFD’s) education programmes in Nigeria in November 2012. We awarded an amber-red score as a result of our findings, and we made four recommendations.
DFID’s education programme in Nigeria operates in a very challenging environment, with too few effective teachers, poor infrastructure and unpredictable State funding, all contributing to poor learning outcomes for pupils in basic education. At the time of writing, DFID supported ten of Nigeria’s 36 States through two programmes: the UNICEF-led Girls’ Education Programme (GEP), funded from 2005 to 2019; and the Education Sector Support Programme in Nigeria (ESSPIN), delivered by a Cambridge Education-led consortium during 2008-14. DFID had spent £102 million to date, with a further £126 million committed to 2019.