DFID’s bilateral support to growth and livelihoods in Afghanistan
Afghanistan is one of the most difficult places to deliver aid and DFID’s staff work hard under demanding conditions. We looked in depth at 5 programmes worth £97.7 million between 2006 and 2018.

Read the inception report
- PDF download (141 KB)
- Published: 7 Mar 2014
Read the terms of reference
- PDF download (232 KB)
- Published: 7 Mar 2014
Our approach
This review examines the effectiveness of the Department for International Development’s (DFID) bilateral growth and livelihoods projects, which account for approximately 30% of DFID’s £190 million annual aid budget in Afghanistan.
We looked in depth at five programmes worth £97.7 million between 2006 and 2018. We examined the impact on intended beneficiaries of five case study projects that aimed to strengthen infrastructure and give people the necessary skills and resources to improve their livelihoods. We also assessed how DFID is preparing to deliver sustainable impact this year and beyond.
Review questions
- Objectives: What is the programme trying to achieve?
- Delivery: Is the delivery chain managed so as to be fit for purpose?
- Impact: What is the impact on intended beneficiaries?
- Learning: What works and what needs improvement?