DFID’s contribution to the reduction of child mortality in Kenya
Reducing under-five child mortality is a global priority. We look at DFID’s contribution in Kenya, where child mortality has fallen by 24% since 1990 but is still higher than global and regional levels.

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- Published: 14 Mar 2014
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- Published: 14 Mar 2014
Our approach
This review assesses whether the Department for International Development’s (DFID) bilateral and multilateral support for the reduction of under-five mortality in Kenya offers a strategic, coherent, well-managed, sustainable and effective package of support for intended beneficiaries.
We look at DFID’s work in three dimensions: its influence on progress by the international community in reducing under-five mortality; direct aid programmes totalling £163 million focussed on malaria and health systems strengthening; and its funding of immunisation and bed nets, both directly and through the GAVI Alliance (GAVI) and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund).
To help inform this assessment, the review examines the relevant findings from the following ICAI reviews, to assess whether lessons and recommendations from these reports have helped to inform DFID’s current assistance to under-five mortality in Kenya.
- DFID’s Health Programmes in Burma
- DFID’s work with UNICEF
- DFID’s Bilateral Aid to Pakistan
- DFID’s Humanitarian Emergency Response in the Horn of Africa
- DFID’s Support for Health and Education in India
- DFID’s Support to the Health Sector in Zimbabwe