DFID’s health programmes in Burma
Burma is one of the poorest countries in Asia, with significant health need and challenges of access and capacity. We examine DFID’s £110 million health spending in Burma over 2010-15.

Read the inception report
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- Published: 16 Jul 2013
Read the terms of reference
- PDF download (57 KB)
- Published: 16 Jul 2013
Our approach
The purpose of this review was to assess whether the Department for International Development (DFID) is achieving impact and value for money in Burma through its bilateral aid to the health sector.
DFID’s overall health goal for Burma is ‘to address the basic health needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and maximise the contribution of the programme to longer-term change that addresses the root causes of conflict and fragility in Burma’. We reviewed six of the nine projects in DFID’s health programme in Burma. This programme accounted for £23 million of UK expenditure in the period 2010-12 and an additional £87 million in the period 2012-15.
Review questions
- Objectives: What is the programme trying to achieve?
- Delivery: Is the delivery chain designed and managed so as to be fit for purpose?
- Impact: What is the impact on intended beneficiaries?
- Learning: What works best and what needs improvement?