DFID’s support to the health sector in Zimbabwe
Our report assesses DFID’s support to the health sector in Zimbabwe which has had a substantial and positive impact, most notably for those living with HIV/AIDS.

Read the inception report
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- Published: 22 Nov 2011
Read the terms of reference
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- Published: 22 Nov 2011
Our approach
Since 2004, DFID has spent over £100 million in support to the health sector in Zimbabwe, mainly on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, support to maternal health and the supply of essential medicines. The purpose of this review was to assess how well that money has been spent and to make recommendations for the future.
This evaluation sought to draw conclusions on the value for money, impact and effectiveness of UK health assistance to Zimbabwe in the period 2004-11. It took particular account of the impact on the delivery and performance of the UK’s aid. It drew conclusions and derived lessons specifically for the country programme and also for other similar work elsewhere.