DFID’s water, sanitation and hygiene programming in Sudan
DFID’s response to the Darfur conflict in Sudan since 2003 has been one of its largest ever humanitarian operations. This report looks at the water, sanitation and hygiene component of DFID’s response across different delivery channels.

Read the inception report
- PDF download (141 KB)
- Published: 21 Feb 2013
Read the terms of reference
- PDF download (71 KB)
- Published: 21 Feb 2013
Our approach
As part of our evaluation, we conducted a literature review of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programming in fragile and conflict settings, including WASH services for humanitarian relief, recovery and rehabilitation. We reviewed Department for International Development (DFID) humanitarian and WASH policy frameworks. We conducted a two-week evaluation mission to Sudan. In Khartoum, we met with DFID, representatives of the Government of Sudan and state governments, other donors, international and national NGOs and contractors. We undertook a field visit to El Fasher in Darfur and met with a range of intended beneficiaries. We also met with a wide range of other stakeholders, including local government officials, water utilities, private companies, water sellers and local NGOs.
Review questions
- Objectives: What is the programme trying to achieve?
- Delivery: Is the delivery chain managed so as to be fit for purpose?
- Impact: What is the impact on intended beneficiaries?
- Learning: What works and what needs improvement?