The effectiveness of DFID’s engagement with the Asian Development Bank
The Asian Development Bank’s work is important to DFID’s mission, since nearly three-quarters of the world’s poor live in Asia, including in its middle-income countries. We assess the effectiveness of DFID’s engagement with the Bank.

Read the inception report
- PDF download (118 KB)
- Published: 13 Jul 2012
Read the terms of reference
- PDF download (64 KB)
- Published: 13 Jul 2012
Our approach
This review set out to assess the effectiveness of DFID’s engagement with the Asian Development Bank, in order to maximise impact for the intended beneficiaries and value for money for the UK taxpayer.
The review considered all of DFID’s funding of ADB, including ADF, trust funds and co-financed projects. We considered the following in detail:
- the ways of working between DFID, ADB and other agencies at country level, including recipient governments;
- the information which DFID receives and the assurances that it seeks, about the cost effectiveness and impact of ADB activities;
- the use made by DFID of work by ADB’s Independent Evaluation Department; and
- the approach adopted to co-financing, including with the private sector.