Evaluation of the inter-departmental Conflict Pool
Our report assesses the Conflict Pool, which funds activities that contribute to peacekeeping overseas and support conflict prevention and stabilisation. It is managed jointly by DFID, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Ministry of Defence.

Read the inception report
- PDF download (101 KB)
- Published: 13 Jul 2012
Read the terms of reference
- PDF download (54 KB)
- Published: 13 Jul 2012
Our approach
This review set out to assess whether the Conflict Pool has led to a coherent, strategic and effective approach to conflict prevention by the UK Government.
To assess whether it was achieving its goals, the evaluation looked at three different aspects of the Conflict Pool. Firstly, the review considered whether the Conflict Pool had indeed led to improved interaction between the three departments in the area of conflict prevention. The review also considered whether, in the context of particular conflict situations, the three departments were acting in a complementary and mutually reinforcing way and whether this was visible in the selection, design and implementation of activities.
Second, the evaluation considered whether the Conflict Pool is strategic in nature at the portfolio level. This meant assessing whether the activities funded by the Conflict Pool, both in aggregate and in response to specific conflict situations, contributed to a coherent approach to conflict prevention.