The management of UK budget support operations

This review assesses budget support, aid given directly to a recipient government, which represents 15% of the UK’s bilateral aid budget. In the right conditions, budget support can offer an effective and efficient way of providing development assistance.

Score: Green/Amber
  1. Status: Completed
  2. Published: 18 May 2012
  3. Type: Other
  4. Subject: Government processes and systems
  5. Assessment: Green/Amber
  6. Lead commissioner: John Githongo

Read the inception report

Read the terms of reference

Our approach

This review set out to assess the evidence base behind DFID’s approach to budget support and assess whether the processes by which DFID managed its budget support operations were appropriate and effective.

Review questions

This evaluation makes an overall assessment of DFID’s approach to budget support, focussing on two issues:

  1. Does DFID’s approach to budget support rest on solid evidence of results?
  2. Are DFID’s budget support operations managed effectively to maximise impact while minimising risk?


Review publication

Published 18 May 2012

Government response

Published 22 May 2013

ICAI follow-up

Published 1 July 2013