Tackling fraud in UK aid through multilateral organisations

This review assesses the extent to which the UK government ensures the effective management of fraud in its core funding to multilateral organisations.

  1. Status: Completed
  2. Published: 22 March 2022
  3. Type: Rapid review
  4. Subject: Anti-corruption, tax avoidance and fiduciary risk
  5. Lead commissioner: Tarek Rouchdy

Read the approach paper

Our approach

This rapid review on tackling fraud in UK aid through multilateral organisations complements an earlier review that assessed the effectiveness of counter-fraud measures in official development assistance (ODA) spending UK government departments, but excluded funding to multilateral organisations because it is subject to specific accountability mechanisms.

This further review assesses the extent to which the UK government ensures the effective management of fraud in its core funding to multilateral organisations.

Review questions

We sought to answer the following review questions:

  1. To what extent does the UK identify, assess and monitor multilateral organisations’ fraud risk management frameworks to ensure they have systems, including processes, governance structures, resources and incentives in place to manage fraud risks in the UK’s ODA expenditure?
  2. How effective is the UK at working with multilateral organisations and other donors to strengthen fraud risk management in multilateral organisations?
  3. How does the UK capture, apply and share its learning on fraud risk management internally and externally (ie, with multilateral organisations and the international community)?




Published 5 October

Evidence gathering


Review publication

Published 22 March 2022

Government response

Published 3 May 2022

Parliamentary scrutiny

IDC hearing 23 May 2022

ICAI follow-up

Published 18 July 2023

Further follow-up

Published 16 May 2024