The effectiveness of DFID’s engagement with the World Bank
The World Bank is important for delivering UK development assistance. DFID contributed £1.6 billion to the Bank in the 2010-11 financial year, which represented a fifth of all UK ODA.

Read the inception report
- PDF download (100 KB)
- Published: 22 Mar 2012
Read the terms of reference
- PDF download (57 KB)
- Published: 22 Mar 2012
Our approach
This review set out to assess the effectiveness of DFID’s engagement with the World Bank and its impact on the Bank’s activities, in order to maximise value for money for the UK taxpayer.
In particular, it sought to assess how DFID is ensuring that the reforms agreed as part of its IDA 16 replenishment are being implemented. In examining DFID’s engagement across the Bank’s activities, the review provides an assessment of the risk factors and issues that could be the focus of future ICAI studies.