UK aid’s international climate finance commitments

A review assessing UK aid’s commitments to international climate finance to support developing countries to adapt and respond to climate change.

  1. Status: Completed
  2. Published: 29 February 2024
  3. Type: Rapid review
  4. Subject: Climate change and biodiversity, Development finance, Multilateral spend, UK aid funds
  5. Assessment: Unrated
  6. Lead commissioner: Tamsyn Barton
  7. SDGs covered:No poverty, Sustainable cities and communities, Responsible consumption and production, Climate action, Life below water, Life on land, Zero hunger, Good health and wellbeing, Clean water and sanitation, Affordable and clean energy, Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Government response

The government publishes a response to all ICAI reviews, indicating whether they ‘accept’, ‘partially accept’ or ‘reject’ each of ICAI’s recommendations and setting out the management actions that they propose to take in response.

The government’s response to this review was published in December 2024.


Approach publication

14 December 2023

Evidence gathering


Review publication

29 February 2024

Government response

Published December 2024

Further scrutiny

To be confirmed