DFID’s efforts to eliminate violence against women and girls
UK aid has made a significant contribution to tackling violence against women and girls (VAWG).

Read the approach paper
- PDF download (872 KB)
- Published: 16 Oct 2015
Our approach
This review set out to assess how well the Department for International Development (DFID) responded to the UK Government’s commitment to tackle violence against women and girls (VAWG).
We reviewed DFID’s efforts to build a portfolio of relevant and coherent programmes and assess how it was being positioned in order to achieve impact. The review also examined DFID’s efforts to build evidence on and assure value for money, particularly as the portfolio grows. DFID’s ambition is to promote long-lasting transformative change so we looked closely at what DFID was learning about the scale, intensity and duration of interventions needed to bring this about.
This is a learning review which offered a real-time view of a relatively new and untested area of the UK aid programme. It took a snap shot the efficiency and effectiveness DFID’s VAWG programming and our findings will inform its continuing development.