New approach paper – The UK’s support to the African Development Bank
25 Sep 2019
ICAI is today publishing more details of its forthcoming review into the UK’s support for the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group.
The AfDB Group is a regional development bank that aims to promote sustainable economic development and reduce poverty in Africa. Since 2014, the Department for International Development’s (DFID) annual average contributions to the AfDB Group were approximately £205 million, helping to support some of the poorest countries in Africa.
The review will assess how well aligned the AfDB Group is with the UK’s aid priorities in Africa, how effective the AfDB Group is at delivering the UK’s priorities, and how well DFID ensures value for money for its contributions. As part of this, it will examine AfDB projects in five case study countries – Tunisia, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda and Mali.
For more information, read the full approach paper.