
New approach paper – Cash Transfers: Assessing the sustainability of UK aid’s results

9 May 2016

Cash transfers – providing development assistance in the form of cash or cash equivalents – are an increasingly important and widely used tool for reducing poverty and vulnerability. ICAI is reviewing the impact that UK funded cash transfer programmes are having, and the efforts to build sustainability through nationally owned and financed systems for social […]

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New approach paper – Supporting marginalised girls in education

6 May 2016

ICAI is reviewing UK aid’s support for marginalised girls to access, stay, and succeed in basic education. We will examine DFID’s education portfolio and analyse how well it is achieving its aims of keeping girls in school for longer and ensuring they receive the quality education needed to transform their future. We have published an […]

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ICAI’s future work plan

6 Apr 2016

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact has published its future work plan, setting out which areas of UK aid it will scrutinise between July 2016 and June 2017. From conflict-affected states to girls’ education, the plan will see nine different topics probed. For more information have a look at the plan: ICAI future work plan

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New approach paper – Tax

7 Mar 2016

ICAI is reviewing UK aid’s contribution to tackling tax avoidance and tax evasion. Cross-border tax avoidance and tax evasion drain resources from developing countries, affect governments’ domestic revenue mobilisation efforts and reduce their ability to provide services for their people. This review will assess how effectively DFID addresses global issues of cross-border tax avoidance and […]

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Cash Transfers – new review begins

18 Feb 2016

ICAI has begun a new review into the role of cash transfers in reducing poverty and vulnerability: Assessing the sustainability of UK aid’s results This review will assess examine DFID’s results claims and the potential for achieving transformational impact. It will review the effectiveness of DFID’s efforts to support sustainable, nationally-owned social assistance systems that are […]

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New approach paper

15 Feb 2016

ICAI is reviewing how UK aid achieves impact and value for money in conflict-affected environments. The UK government has committed to spending 50% of all official development assistance in fragile states and regions – many of which are affected by conflict. In these complex environments access is often limited and delivering effective and accountable aid […]

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Work begins on new review

18 Jan 2016

ICAI has begun a new review  – Achieving Impact and Value for Money in Conflict-affected Environments: DFID’s Approach to Managing Fiduciary Risk This review will assess DFID’s approach to fiduciary risk management in conflict-affected environments where DFID has restricted access. Limited access to locations where aid is being delivered, due to insecurity, often means there […]

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UK aid in a changing world: implications for ICAI

7 Jan 2016

In a new briefing paper, ‘UK aid in a changing world: implications for ICAI’, we examine global trends in international development, and the potential challenges for UK aid. We then reflect on how this analysis has helped us shape a strategic and relevant review programme. The global development landscape is changing fast. In 2015, a series of major international events […]

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