
Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes reports on DFID’s Health Programmes in Burma and Support to Capital Projects in Montserrat

16 Jul 2013

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) has today published two reports on: DFID’s Health Programmes in Burma; and DFID’s Support to Capital Projects in Montserrat. ICAI has rated the Burma programmes as Green and the support to Montserrat projects as Amber-Red. DFIDs Health Programmes in Burma The overall rating for the programmes we examined […]

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Annual Report 2012-13

1 Jul 2013

The ICAI Annual Report and Corporate Plan sets out our activities and expenditure for our second complete year of operation. The report, which is sent to the Chairman of the International Development Committee, details our work and reviews progress during the last year. It also follows up on the recommendations from our Year One reports. […]

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Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes reports on DFID’s Use of Contractors and Programme Partnership Arrangements

17 May 2013

Our latest reports provide insight into DFID’s use of third parties to deliver aid programmes through different channels and mechanisms. In the evidence that we considered, both civil society organisations and contractors have helped to drive innovation and, while it is too early to say whether all the programmes will have a sustainable impact, the signs are promising.

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ICAI 2013-14 Budget

2 May 2013

ICAI’s 2013-14 budget has been published as part of DFID’s Main Estimate (  We have been allocated £3.8 million for programme spending (via our contractor consortium) and £456,000 for administrative spending (for Commissioner and Secretariat costs).  We have already published our Year 3 work plan and our forthcoming Annual Report, to be published in June, […]

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