Business in development

Businesses are playing an increasing role in development. This review assesses how well the Department for International Development (DFID) is working with and through businesses to benefit people living in poverty.

Score: Amber/Red
  1. Status: Completed
  2. Published: 21 May 2015
  3. Type: Other
  4. Subject: Private sector, Trade and economic development
  5. Assessment: Amber/Red
  6. Location: Ghana, India
  7. Lead commissioner: Graham Ward CBE

Read the inception report

Read the terms of reference

Our approach

The purpose of this review was to assess how the Department for International Development (DFID) engages with businesses to achieve its objectives and to benefit the poor. We considered DFID’s objectives in engaging and partnering with businesses, the ways in which it is seeking to achieve those objectives, what impact it is having on the poor and how well DFID is learning through its interactions with business and disseminating good practice.

Review questions

  1. What opportunities exist for DFID to work through private businesses to achieve pro-poor developmental benefits while also being of commercial benefit to businesses?
  2. To what extent do DFID’s strategy and objectives demonstrate an understanding of these opportunities?
  3. How effectively is DFID seizing opportunities to engage with businesses, including catalysing additional private investment?
  4. What is the incremental impact on the poor that DFID is able to achieve through working with businesses?
  5. What is DFID doing to learn more about the potential for working with businesses?



Review publication

Published 21 May 2015

Government response

Published 11 June 2015

ICAI follow-up

Published 30 June 2016