UK aid in a conflict-affected country: Reducing conflict and fragility in Somalia

In extremely challenging circumstances, UK aid is making a positive contribution to state-building and stability in Somalia.

Score: Green/Amber
  1. Status: Completed
  2. Published: 23 June 2017
  3. Type: Performance review
  4. Subject: Country focus, Cross-government aid spend, Fragile states, UK aid funds
  5. Assessment: Green/Amber
  6. Location: Somalia
  7. Lead commissioner: Richard Gledhill

Read the approach paper

Our approach

This review explores how effective UK aid has been in tackling conflict and reducing fragility in Somalia. Covering the Department for International Development’s (DFID) bilateral programming and the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF), it reviews the strategy behind aid interventions and the effectiveness of programming. In addition to detailed reviews of programmes focused on tackling conflict and fragility, we also look at programmes that may have an indirect impact on fragility such as health and livelihoods.

Looking at how the UK works in a conflict-affected country is important for ICAI. The UK government has committed to spending 50% of aid funds in fragile states and regions, many of which are also affected by conflict. The UK’s aid strategy recognises the importance of tackling the causes of instability and insecurity, and the link with poverty reduction. The National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence Review also committed to addressing the causes of conflict through increased support for security and justice, tackling corruption, promoting good governance and more peaceful and inclusive societies.

Building on an earlier ICAI review of the scaling up of UK aid in fragile states, this review considers whether the UK government has an effective approach to addressing conflict and fragility.

This is a performance review, which means it probes whether the design and delivery of programmes are effective and maximise value for money. This includes assessing whether effective mechanisms are in place for delivering aid in an insecure environment.

Review questions

  1. Relevance: Does UK aid have a coherent strategy, clear objectives and a feasible approach for addressing conflict and fragility in Somalia?
  2. Effectiveness: How effective has UK aid been in tackling conflict and fragility in Somalia?
  3. Value for Money: Are UK aid programmes tackling conflict and fragility in Somalia achieving value for money?
  4. Effectiveness / learning: How well are DFID and other government departments providing UK aid in Somalia learning what works over time to tackle conflict and fragility?



Published 4 October 2016

Evidence gathering


Review publication

Published 23 June 2017

Government response

Published 4 August 2017

Parliamentary scrutiny

IDC hearing 18 October 2017

ICAI follow-up

Published 29 June 2018