UK humanitarian aid to Gaza

An information note accounting for the UK's aid to Gaza since October 2023.

  1. Status: Completed
  2. Published: 21 May 2024
  3. Type: Information note
  4. Subject: Country focus, Fragile states, Humanitarian assistance
  5. Assessment: Unrated
  6. Location: Occupied Palestinian Territories
  7. Lead commissioner: Tamsyn Barton

Read the information note

This information note provides a descriptive account of UK humanitarian aid to Gaza, diplomatic efforts to improve humanitarian assistance and the approach to risk management in an emergency context.

The UK has contributed £70 million in additional flexible funding to humanitarian organisations already established in Gaza since the Israel-Hamas war broke out in October 2023. However, UK and international diplomatic efforts to improve land access for humanitarian support and improve safe passage for aid agencies have proven ineffective.

The report is not scored and does not make an evaluative judgement, but it suggests six potential future lines of enquiry to be followed up either by ICAI or other scrutiny bodies.

Proposed lines of enquiry

  • International humanitarian law: What are the circumstances in which the UK would state publicly its assessment as to whether Israel has violated international humanitarian law, and what would be the consequences of such an assessment?
  • Support for UNRWA: Given the critical role of UNRWA, what are the UK’s plans in relation to further funding?
  • Humanitarian access: What is the UK’s strategy for restoring adequate supplies of food and essential goods into Gaza and ensuring sustainable humanitarian access? Should the UK continue to support the development of a maritime corridor?
  • Human costs: What preparations is the UK making to respond to the long-term harms suffered by the population of Gaza, including war-related physical and mental injuries and the effects of gender-based violence?
  • Monitoring and transparency: What action is the UK taking to ensure that adequate monitoring arrangements are put in place for its Gaza operations, and that there is space for journalism and other independent scrutiny?
  • Reconstruction of Gaza: What advance planning is FCDO undertaking, with international partners, for the recovery and reconstruction of Gaza?
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Approach publication

4 April 2024

Evidence gathering


Information note publication

21 May 2024