Completed: 12 February 2020
UK aid has been “mostly effective” at helping some of the poorest and most vulnerable in Ghana – but as the country works to become less reliant on aid, the UK should take care not to scale back its financial support too quickly.
Completed: 9 January 2020
A flagship government programme to tackle sexual violence in conflict zones risked letting survivors down due to a lack of senior leadership, poor strategy, and cuts in funding.
Completed: 23 October 2019
The government is increasingly spending foreign aid in areas where it can deliver benefits to both the UK economy and countries eligible for aid – but care must be taken to ensure the primary aim of poverty reduction isn’t diluted or lost.
Completed: 12 September 2019
Departments with new aid budgets are increasingly developing their understanding of how to use aid effectively - but more should be done to integrate learning into international development spending across government to ensure value for money.
Completed: 19 February 2019
The UK’s International Climate Finance shows a convincing approach to promoting low-carbon development and has made a strong commitment to joint international action.