Completed: 8 November 2017
The Department for International Development (DFID) has developed a credible approach to enabling fair and open competition in its supplier market and to achieving value for money in its procurement.
Completed: 12 September 2017
The cross-government Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) has the potential to help address major global development challenges, but risks being spread too thinly to achieve transformative results.
Completed: 7 February 2017
The Prosperity Fund needs to continue to improve its systems and processes to support the pace and scale of delivery.
Completed: 12 January 2017
UK aid is succeeding in alleviating extreme poverty through its support for cash transfer programmes.
Completed: 16 December 2016
Globally nearly 62 million girls miss out on an education. The UK has made a strong commitment to tackling this huge problem, but is falling short of its ambitions to educate the poorest and most vulnerable girls.
Completed: 16 November 2016
Managing the transition from traditional aid to new kinds of development partnerships is increasingly important for the Department for International Development (DFID) in the current aid landscape.
Completed: 27 September 2016
ICAI examined DFID’s efforts to influence the international tax reform agenda, to make new tax standards accessible to developing countries.