
New approach paper – Assessing DFID’s results in nutrition

20 Dec 2019

A new review from the independent aid watchdog will look at work by the UK government to tackle malnutrition and end hunger in the world’s poorest countries. The Independent Commission for Aid Impact has today published an approach paper for its upcoming review, which will assess the results achieved by the Department for International Development […]

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New information note – The use of UK aid to enhance mutual prosperity

23 Oct 2019

The government is increasingly spending foreign aid in areas where it can deliver benefits to both the UK economy and countries eligible for aid – but care must be taken to ensure the primary aim of poverty reduction isn’t diluted or lost, according to a new publication from the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI). […]

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ICAI public consultation – new review processes to strengthen scrutiny of UK aid

21 Oct 2019

Improvements to the way UK aid is scrutinised – including new review products and an enhanced follow-up process – are being put in place by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) as it publishes the results of its public consultation today. The changes will make the work of the UK’s aid watchdog more accessible […]

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New approach paper – The UK’s support to the African Development Bank

25 Sep 2019

ICAI is today publishing more details of its forthcoming review into the UK’s support for the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group. The AfDB Group is a regional development bank that aims to promote sustainable economic development and reduce poverty in Africa. Since 2014, the Department for International Development’s (DFID) annual average contributions to the AfDB […]

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New ICAI review – How UK Aid Learns

12 Sep 2019

Departments with new aid budgets are increasingly developing their understanding of how to use aid effectively – but more should be done to integrate learning into international development spending across government to ensure value for money, a new review from the UK’s aid watchdog has found. How UK Aid Learns, published today by the Independent […]

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Upcoming information note on the UK’s approach to tackling corruption and illicit financial flows

12 Aug 2019

ICAI is today publishing more details of its upcoming information note looking at the UK’s approach to tackling corruption and illicit financial flows. The UK, through the Department for International Development, has long pursued a proactive approach to tackling corruption in developing countries, resulting in a landmark anti-corruption summit in 2016. This was followed by the UK’s […]

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