
New reviews underway

21 Jun 2017

ICAI has started work on its latest reviews. Find out more about the forthcoming reviews on Building resilience to natural disasters, Global Health Threats, Global Challenges Research Fund and DFID’s management of its supplier market by visiting their pages on our website. For more information about our work, please contact us.

Read more on New reviews underway

ICAI’s new work plan

1 Mar 2017

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact has published its future work plan, setting out which areas of UK aid it will scrutinise between July 2017 and June 2018. From procurement to tackling global health threats, the plan will see numerous different topics probed. View it here: ICAI work plan July 2017 – June 2018

Read more on ICAI’s new work plan

Achieving value for money through procurement – New review begins

20 Feb 2017

ICAI is reviewing DFID’s approach to ensuring value for money in the management of its supplier pool. This review will provide Parliament and the public with an assessment of whether DFID is able to attract the best suppliers with the required skills at competitive prices, and how large suppliers are held accountable. Find out more […]

Read more on Achieving value for money through procurement – New review begins

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