
Prosperity Fund – New review begins

6 Oct 2016

ICAI has launched a rapid review of the Prosperity Fund  The UK government has announced the establishment of a Prosperity Fund, worth £1.3 billion over five years, to promote growth and prosperity in key partner countries, particularly emerging markets and middle-income countries. ICAI has launched a review to assess whether the Prosperity Fund’s governance, systems […]

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The UK’s aid response to the migration crisis – New review begins

6 Oct 2016

ICAI has launched a new review – UK’s aid response to the migration crisis in the central Mediterranean The global migration crisis is one of the biggest challenges facing the international community today. This review will consider the relevance of the UK’s aid response to the migration crisis in the central Mediterranean. It will explore whether the […]

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Inclusive growth in Africa – New review begins

4 Oct 2016

ICAI has begun work on a new review – DFID’s approach to supporting inclusive growth in Africa DFID’s economic development portfolio represents around a fifth of its total combined bilateral and multilateral spend. This review will explore whether DFID’s economic development helps the poorest people and is inclusive in nature, with a particular focus on job-creation policies […]

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New report – UK aid’s contribution to tackling tax avoidance and evasion

27 Sep 2016

ICAI’s latest review finds that DFID should have done more to consider developing countries’ needs and priorities in the global fight against tax avoidance and evasion. The review found that while the department had achieved some positive results with building capacity in partner countries to address international tax standards, it had not done enough to […]

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New report – managing fiduciary risk in conflict-affected environments

9 Aug 2016

ICAI’s latest review finds that DFID staff in conflict-affected countries are doing a good job of assessing and mitigating fiduciary risks, but the department must urgently tackle weaknesses in its approach to risk appetite and risk transfer in those environments.   DFID has committed to spending at least half of its budget in fragile states […]

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Annual report and follow-up

30 Jun 2016

ICAI has published its annual report for 2015-16 and a follow-up assessment of ICAI reviews published in 2014-15. As part of this year’s report ICAI has examined changes underway in the share of Official Development Assistance (ODA) spent by departments other than DFID. ODA spending by departments other than DFID is expected to increase from […]

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New approach paper – DFID’s approach to managing exit and transition

26 May 2016

Since 2011, DFID has refocused its aid programme on 28 priority countries. This has involved terminating or significantly reducing bilateral aid to at least 15 countries. However, the UK continues to have important relationships with many of these countries, such as India and South Africa. Bilateral aid is often replaced by new forms of collaboration […]

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New report – Assessing DFID’s Results in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

23 May 2016

ICAI’s latest review finds that UK aid has reached 62.9 million people with water, sanitation and hygiene interventions over five years, but must do more to ensure these improvements are sustainable. The review highlighted sustainability as an area of particular concern, with not enough being done to ensure that improved WASH access was becoming a permanent part […]

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New report – DFID’s efforts to eliminate violence against women and girls

17 May 2016

ICAI’s latest review finds that UK aid has made a significant contribution to tackling violence against women and girls in developing countries. DFID has demonstrated strong global policy leadership, through initiatives such as the 2014 Girl Summit, and has made a significant contribution to knowledge and evidence on preventing abuse, including on global challenges such as […]

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