
Work begins on new review

1 Dec 2015

ICAI has begun a new review that will assess UK aid’s contribution to tackling tax avoidance and tax evasion. Tax avoidance and tax evasion drain resources from developing countries, hinders growth and reduces governments’ ability to provide services for their people. This review will focus on DFID’s efforts to support international cooperation addressing the global issues of […]

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New Approach Paper – VAWG Review

16 Oct 2015

ICAI is reviewing DFID’s Efforts to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls. Today we have published our approach paper for this review.  It sets out the questions that we seek to answer as part of the review, our methodology and approach. We will review DFID’s efforts to build a portfolio of relevant and coherent programmes […]

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New Approach Paper – WASH Review

9 Oct 2015

ICAI is reviewing the contribution of UK Aid to achieving sustained access to clean drinking water, improved sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Today we have published our approach paper for this review.  It sets out the questions that we seek to answer as part of the review, our methodology and approach. We will examine the results […]

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Work begins on new reviews

5 Aug 2015

ICAI has begun work on two new reviews: a learning review of DFID’s efforts to eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls; and an impact review of the results of DFID’s funding of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes. We expect to publish our findings in Spring 2016. For more information on these reviews, please contact […]

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Consultation on ICAI Work Plan

23 Jul 2015

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) has opened a consultation on its future work plan. ICAI scrutinises UK aid spending. We work to ensure UK aid is spent effectively for those who need it most and delivers value for UK tax payers. We report to the International Development Committee of the UK parliament. Our mandate […]

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New Commissioner Team at ICAI

1 Jul 2015

The new commissioner team has taken up their posts at the Independent Commission for Aid Impact today. Led by Chief Commissioner, Dr Alison Evans, the team comprises Francesca Del Mese, Tina Fahm and Richard Gledhill. The appointments are for 4 years and have been made in accordance with the Office of the Commissioner for Public […]

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ICAI Annual Report 2014-15

27 Jun 2015

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) has published its Annual Report 2014-15. This year, we have built upon our previous reports and considered some of the largest areas of work for the Department for International Development (DFID) and other UK government departments. We have published thematic reports on a number of important topics, including […]

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