
New ICAI rapid review: Management of the 0.7% ODA spending target in 2020

20 May 2021

The government successfully met its aid spending target in 2020 through reprioritising programmes as the COVID-19 pandemic hit – but economic uncertainty and the government’s ‘cut once, cut deep’ approach meant that cuts to bilateral aid were ultimately more drastic than needed to be, a new report by the UK’s aid watchdog has found.

Read more on New ICAI rapid review: Management of the 0.7% ODA spending target in 2020

New approach summary paper: The UK aid response to COVID-19

5 May 2021

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) has today published its planned approach for a forthcoming rapid review that will examine the UK aid response to COVID-19. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world has been unparalleled in modern times, and led to a rapidly evolving emergency in developing countries. Travel restrictions and […]

Read more on New approach summary paper: The UK aid response to COVID-19

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