Assessing DFID’s results in nutrition

The government has beaten its goal of reaching people in some of the world’s poorest countries with nutrition services – but with malnutrition set to rise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it should do more to help the most vulnerable.

Score: Green/Amber
  1. Status: Completed
  2. Published: 16 September 2020
  3. Type: Results review
  4. Subject: Global health
  5. Assessment: Green/Amber
  6. Location: Ethiopia, Zambia
  7. Lead commissioner: Tamsyn Barton
  8. SDGs covered:No poverty, Reduced inequalities, Zero hunger, Good health and wellbeing, Clean water and sanitation

International Development Committee

A hearing is held by Parliament’s International Development Committee (IDC) or their ICAI sub-committee for most ICAI reviews.

The IDC hearing for this review is available to watch online.

ICAI follow-up

Approximately one year after we publish our reports, we follow up on the steps the government has taken in response to our recommendations. This process is a key link in the accountability chain, providing Parliament and the public with an account of how well government departments have responded to ICAI reviews.

We have now published the follow-up report on our nutrition review.

You can also download a copy of the nutrition follow-up, which is included in the ICAI follow-up review of 2020-21 reports.



Published 20 December 2019

Evidence gathering


Review publication

Published 16 September 2020

Government response

Published 28 October 2020

Parliamentary scrutiny

IDC hearing 24 February 2021

ICAI follow-up

Published 30 June 2022