Assessing UK aid’s results in education
A results review that assesses the impact, effectiveness and equity of UK aid on education, with a particular focus on girl’s education.

International Development Committee
A hearing is held by Parliament’s International Development Committee (IDC) or their ICAI sub-committee for most ICAI reviews.
We expect a hearing for this review to take place in due course.
ICAI follow-up
Approximately one year after we publish our reports, we follow up on the steps the government has taken in response to our recommendations. This process is a key link in the accountability chain, providing Parliament and the public with an account of how well government departments have responded to ICAI reviews.
Our follow-up to this review found that despite continued constraints on resources available for education programming, FCDO has made significant progress in addressing our recommendations. We judged its response to be adequate. FCDO has continued to play a global leadership role in supporting research on ‘what works’ in promoting children’s learning and reaching the most marginalised, and it has been deepening its support to governments to generate and utilise data on children’s learning. However, despite commitments to maintain a priority focus on girls’ education, FCDO did not adequately explain exactly how a consistent focus on this issue would be operationalised across programmes. In addition, FCDO’s efforts to scale up its convening role in-country have been narrowly focused on facilitating joined-up work between the Global Partnership for Education and Education Cannot Wait.
Read the follow-up review online or download the summary follow-up report.