
DFID’s Contribution to Improving Nutrition

9 Jul 2014

DFID started scaling up its nutrition work in 2010. The pace and scale of DFID’s global work is good but implementation at the country level has been too slow. As a result, it is too early to show impact, though we saw some promising signs. Although DFID’s work is based on sound evidence, DFID’s projects do not always focus on interventions with the greatest impact on stunting. DFID should improve the monitoring of its programmes and ensure results are not over-reported. We believe that a greater focus is needed on the most vulnerable and ‘hard-to-reach’ mothers and children.

Read more on DFID’s Contribution to Improving Nutrition

Public Appointments: recruitment of Chief Commissioner and Commissioner

21 May 2014

The current Chief Commissioner, Graham Ward’s term in office ends in 2015. The Chief Commissioner is responsible for overseeing the delivery of high quality, accessible reviews, representing ICAI and communicating its reports to stakeholders and reporting to Parliament. The Government is seeking to appoint a new Chief Commissioner to succeed Mr Ward; and  also to appoint a new Commissioner.   Further information […]

Read more on Public Appointments: recruitment of Chief Commissioner and Commissioner

Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes report on DFID’s Contribution to the Reduction of Child Mortality in Kenya

14 Mar 2014

This study looked at DFID's work to reduce Child Mortality in Kenya. Reducing under-five child mortality is a global priority and has seen remarkable progress. Under-five mortality has fallen by 24% in Kenya since 1990 but this is less than global and regional averages and the level in Kenya remains high.

Read more on Independent Commission for Aid Impact publishes report on DFID’s Contribution to the Reduction of Child Mortality in Kenya

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